March is almost over and Spring … well can’t say it has begun, now can we ? Funny, because I stocked up on some wonderful items for warmer weather and I guess there will just have to sit in my wardrobe for a while longer. But I wanted to share with you some goodies that I got in this month, which some of you may already have in your closets.
First up are two new lipsticks ; one from MAC and the other from YSL. So, on Instagram some of you said that MAC’s Ruby Woo is rather dry and you were so right ! You really have to moisturize beforehand or else your lips will look like those of someone who just got rescued from a desert. That being said, I absolutely love YSL’s Rouge Volupte Shine #5 ‘Fuschia in Excess’.
Silver has never been a color I associate with shoes, but these Zara metallic wedgies look great against my skin tone and will be perfect with a white outfit
I guess by now you can say I love all things silver, including my new Lancome Rouge in Love 377N lipstick
The wonderful ladies at Virgos Lounge also sent me three gorgeous items which I can’t wait to wear out. In the first photo, I am wearing the red Alize Dress. I also received the Nikita Dress and the black Goda jumpsuit with jewel stones around the collar.
Last, but not least, are these simple yet sexy Zara sandals with a gold heel. You can actually see my reflection in them. Hello !
By the way, I have an online store with awesome new and vintage items. Click on the link below !