DIY embellished bag

This DIY is inspired by the Shourouk PVC bags which I am utterly crazy about ! Although I am not using pvc in this case, I thought, for now, this Zara bag would do until I find the right kind of pvc to make a bag similar looking to the Shourouk ones. But I hope this DIY will inspire you to try your own version.
Here is what you will need : 
  • A bag or clutch of your choice
  • Diamante crystal trimming
  • Adhesive glue (a strong one like Evo Stik or E6000 )
  • Nail polish in different colors
  • Pliers in case you need to cut parts of the trimming
Use the side cutter to trim your diamante crystal to the length that you want. In my case, I had to cut off a piece that I did not want to incorporate into the design
Place the trimming where you want it to be positioned on the bag. At this stage do not glue it on, as you will be selecting your choice of nail polish that you want to use
When you know which colors to use, place the diamante trimming on a flat surface and start painting the nail polish onto the desired areas, one color at a time.
You will need to do 2 – 3 layers of each color in order to completely cover the crystals and to also acheive a solid opaque look
When the nail polish is 100% dry, flip the diamante over and apply adhesive glue to the appropriate areas.
Allow the adhesive to become touch dry, then align to the bag carefully and press together gently
And ta da !
I hope this was useful. If I manage to find the right type of pvc, I shall make something similar to this next time :